Bedminster Kingswood

Opportunity to double your impact

Aviva Community Fund offer Share Bristol and its Members a great opportunity in spring 2023.


Broken records at Share Bristol

February 2023 saw nearly all records being broken at Share Bristol, following a huge amount of interest in a second library in BS3. Last month we shared the news that we are hoping to bring a Library of Things to Bedminster. Our press release certainly caused a stir, with the email inbox getting a bit […]

Bedminster Recruitment

Sharing could be heading south

It will soon be two years since we excitedly grabbed the keys for Bristol’s first Library of Things, located on Kingswood High Street. We’ve got an established team of volunteers running the show, a Library Manager working 15 hours a week to keep everything and everyone under control, a couple of hundred members and over 500 things to borrow.

However, our current location is only really convenient for those in east Bristol and Kingswood, and those with their own transport of course. It’s always been our ambition to make borrowing accessible for everyone across Bristol.

And in 2023, that might become a reality….


A new opportunity, for you and us?

We’re looking to strengthen our leadership team with the addition of a few new directors, and are specifically looking for someone with knowledge of the Bedminster/Southville area, someone with skills in marketing and engagement, and a finance expert.